Non-client transactions describe activities performed by harm reduction service providers where a client was not directly served. The two primary examples of these activities are:

  • Collecting needles returned to the agency for safe disposal (e.g. from a public safe disposal bin)

  • Performing community clean-ups

Both of these activities can be logged in NEO.

On this page

This page will provide guidance on how to record these activities in NEO. Try following along in the TEST environment!

Bulk Needles Returned

1. Click NEP/NSP Transaction module from the NEO homepage.

2. On the NEP/NSP Transaction main screen, you can log needles returned in bulk without any association to a particular client or transaction. To do this, select the gender as “Not Specified” and then click the Anonymous button. You will be taken directly to the transaction screen.

As a gender option “Not Specified” is only to be used for logging bulk data. This option should not be mistaken for the "Other Gender Not Listed".

3. On the transaction screen, enter the approximate number of needles returned.

4. Complete the transaction by clicking Save.

Estimating the number of needles returned based on the size/fullness/weight of the returned sharps container is perfectly fine.

Your agency should ensure that all staff use the same system to estimate the number of needles, e.g. “1 medium, full sharps container = 100 needles.”

Community Clean-Up

Logging a community clean-up is also done anonymously in the NEP/NSP module.

1. If the community clean-up occurred on a different date, you can specify this by setting a different Transaction Date. Then, select the gender as “Not Specified” and then click the Anonymous button.

2. On the Transaction Screen enter any needles that were picked up during the clean-up, and check-off the "community clean-up" box.

Complete the transaction by clicking Save.


Logging non-client transaction only takes a few steps to complete:

  1. Click on the NEP/NSP module on the NEO homescreen,

  2. Select Not Specified then Anonymous

  3. Enter the number of needles returned, and/or the checkbox for a community cleanup performed.


Log the following scenario in NEO:

  1. Your agency performed a community clean-up last Wednesday. 100 needles were collected during the clean-up.

  2. An anonymous client returned a sharps container to you that contains roughly 40 needles. Log these returned needles in NEO.

Video Instructions