The Site Number is a feature of the Wait List Module and provides a more detailed account of clients as they move through agency services. If your agency is a single site agency ie. Site 01 is the only option you have for sites, this feature will not impact data entry.  If your agency has only one active Site, when adding a new Wait List or when registering a client to a program, the Site number will always default to Site 01. The following information is applicable to multiple service Site agencies.

Agencies with Multiple Sites

If your agency has more than one site, when adding a new Wait List the Site number will automatically default to “00 – Non-Site Specific”. This is an indication that clients are waiting at the agency level and the Wait List being added is not “specifically” linked to a particular site. If the intended Wait List is site specific, click the down arrow to the right of the field and select a site from one of the available sites listed on the selection list.

Noted Benefit: Reports can be run by site or by all sites; running a report for “All” sites would include “00

Sites and Adding/Creating a Wait List from the Main Menu Screen

From the Main Menu on the Catalyst Home Page, select Client Info, then Wait List Info.

When the Wait List Management Screen appears, click on the Add Wait List Button

The Add Wait List screen appears, note the default site “00-Non-Site Specific”

Edit Site Number on an Existing Wait List

Some agencies have identified a need to monitor Wait Lists and Programs by Site. DATIS has therefore offered some flexibility by making it possible for agencies to edit existing Wait List Site numbers.

From Client Info tab, click on Wait List Info, Select Wait List and click on the Edit Wait List button.

When the “Edit Wait List” screen appears change the Site number and Save.

IMPORTANT BUSINESS RULE: Should a Site get deactivated (removed), the “Site No” field on the “Edit

Wait List” screen for any Wait List that is linked to the deactivated site will change to that of no selection

i.e. the field will become blank. For example, if Site “01” is deactivated and if this site has a Wait List

linked to it, the Site number on the Edit Wait List screen for that Wait List will display as blank or no

selection. It will be necessary to edit the Site number in order to save.

How the Site Number Works When Adding a Client to an Existing Wait List from the Client Information Screen

A client who is awaiting registration into a program can be added to a Wait List from the Client

Information screen by clicking on found at the bottom of the screen.

When the “Add Client to Wait List” screen

appears select the Wait List from the

selection list, the Site number associated

with the Wait List automatically appears in

the Site number field.

Edit the Site number and Save. The client

will now appear on the Wait List for that site.

Sites and Registering a Client into a Program from the Client’s Active Wait List(s)

Accessing all Wait Lists that a Client is on From the Client Information screen

Once the Client Information Screen is on screen click on

the Wait List link, Wait List Status

The Client Wait List Information screen appears and

displays all active Wait Lists for this client.

Registering the Client to a Program From an Active Wait list

Select the Wait List for the Client by clicking on the button under the “Select” column

Check the Site number and if necessary, you can change the Site number

Click on “Register Client in Program”

The Program Info screen that is linked to the Wait List will appear on screen.

Multiple Sites and Program Registration

When a client is registered into a program by selecting as shown above, the Site number field will be blank and it will be necessary to select a Program Site number.

*The Site number is a Required Field and you will not be able to save your Program registration until a Site number is selected.

If a Site number is not selected when attempting to save the program registration, a pop-up message will appear to remind you:

Wait List Member List and Site Number

A list of all Wait List Members can be viewed by running a report, from the Client Info tab and following steps below, or from the Catalyst Home Page

Wait List Members’ List From the Client Info

Select Client Info from the Catalyst Main Menu, then select Wait List Info

When the Wait List Management screen appears on screen, select a Wait List and click Go

The Wait List Information screen appears. From this screen you can:

Change the Site Number

Expand the list to display clients who are actively waiting for service along with those who have already been removed from the Wait List

IMPORTANT BUSINESS RULE: If a client Status on the Wait List is “Received Service” it will not be possible to edit the Site number

Wait List Members’ List From the Catalyst Home Page

From the Home Page, click on the Waitlists link.

All active wait lists appear on the resulting screen.

Important to note: There are no editing options such as changing site numbers provided on this screen. Editing the site number can only occur if you click the wait list link under the Waitlist column.