There are many business rules associated to wait lists. The table below lists error and/or information messages that may be displayed and what they mean.

Abbreviations used below include:

  • FC = Functional Centre
  • MIS = Management Information System 
  • OHRS = Ontario Healthcare Reporting Standards
  • PSC = Provincial Service Category
  • LHIN= Local Health Integration Network


Error or Information Message


Invalid Date Put on Wait list

Date format is incorrect

Date Put on Wait list cannot be a future date.

The date a client is put on a wait list must prior to or equal to today's date.

Invalid Date Removed/Received Service

Date format is incorrect

Date Put on Wait list cannot be earlier than Wait list Start Date

The wait list start date is the date on which a wait list becomes effective. You cannot put clients on a wait list until it becomes effective.

Refer to Wait List Information Screen Business Rules

Date Removed/Received Service cannot be earlier than Date Put on wait list

The date a client is removed from a wait list or received service cannot be earlier than the date the client was put on the wait list

Date Removed/Received Service cannot be a future date.

The date a client is removed from a wait list or received service cannot be a future date

Please provide a Reason for Removal

A Reason for Removal is required in order to remove a client from a wait list. 

Refer to Wait List Information Screen Business Rules

The Date Removed is blank. The Reason for Removal must be blank.

When removing a client from a wait list, the date the client is removed is required.

The wait list status is Received Service. The Reason for Removal must be blank.

When removing a client from a wait list, the Reason for Removal is required.

A client cannot be active on a wait list more than once at the same time.

If a client is already active on a waitlist, you cannot add the same client to the same waitlist again.

Refer to Wait List Information Screen Business Rules

Invalid Date Put on Wait list

Date format is incorrect

Invalid Date Removed/Received Service

Date format is incorrect

The Date Removed Service is blank. The Reason for Removal must be blank.

The Reason for Removal should be filled in only if the client is removed from the wait list. This is done by filling in the Date Removed field.

The wait list status is Received Service. The Reason for Removal must be blank.

The Reason for Removal should be filled in only if the client has been removed from the wait list.

This client does not have an open admission. Please admit this client first.

In order to register a client into a program, the client must have an open or pending admission. 

The program start date is before the date the client was put on this wait list. You cannot save this program registration. Please either change the program start date or Cancel and change the Wait List date in, and re-register the client in this program.

A client should be placed on the wait list of a program (if there is a wait) before they are registered in that program. Therefore, the "Date put on wait list" cannot be later than the "Program Start Date".

Refer to Registering a client into a Program using the button Business Rules

This client has a wait list with status of Received Service for this program registration. You cannot change the program. Please delete this registration and register the client in the new program.

When a client is registered into a program, they are removed from the wait list for this program at the same time. The program registration is linked to the wait list. Therefore, once the program registration is saved, the program cannot be changed. 

Refer to Registering a client into a Program using the button Business Rules

This is the first program registration in this functional centre for this admission and the client had not been put on a wait list for this functional centre. If you want to add this client to a wait list for this program, please click OK.

If a client is not actively waiting for the selected program at the time of program registration and this is their first program registration in a functional centre, then you have the option to put this client on a wait list for the selected program.

The program start date is before the date on which the client was put on this wait list. You cannot save this program registration. Please either change the program start date or Cancel and change the Wait List date in, and re-register the client in this program

A client should be placed on the wait list of a program (if there is a wait) before the are registered in that program. Therefore, the "Date put on wait list" cannot be later than the "Program Start Date".

Refer to Registering a client into a Program using the button Business Rules

The program start date is before the date on which the client was put on the wait list that is linked to this program registration. You cannot save this program registration.

A client should be placed on the waitlist of a program (if there is a wait) before s/he is registered in that program. Therefore, the "Date put on waitlist" cannot be later than the "Program Start Date". 

Refer to Wait List Information Screen Business Rules

This client had a status of Received Service on a wait list for this program. This client has been removed from the wait list with a status of Removed.

When a program registration is deleted, the client's status on the wait list that is linked to this program registration will be changed from Received Service to Removed. 

Refer to Registering a client into a Program using the button Business Rules

This client has been removed from all wait lists on which s/he was still waiting for service.

At the time of discharge, a client is removed from all wait lists on which they are actively waiting.

Refer to Business Rules for Discharging a Client Admission with Respect to Wait Lists

Wait list start date cannot be a future date.

A wait list cannot be created to start in the future.

Invalid Program Start Date. The valid date format is: DD/MM/YYYY.

Incorrect date format

This client is already active on a waitlist for this program.

If a client is already active on a waitlist for a program, you cannot add this client to a waitlist for the same program.

Refer to Wait List Information Screen Business Rules

The start date cannot be later than the date on which the client was put on a wait list.

The wait list start date cannot be after the date a client is added to the wait list.

You have selected a wait list. You cannot change the program.

If you arrive to the Add Program Registration screen by selecting a wait list and clicking the "Register Client into Program" button on the List of Client Wait lists screen, then the program field is automatically populated with the agency program that is linked to the selected wait list. You cannot change the selected program.

Refer to Registering a client into a Program using the button Business Rules

The client is active on one or more wait lists where the ''Date Put on Wait List'' is before the discharge date. These will be automatically marked with a status of ''Removed on Discharge''. The client is also active on one or more wait lists where the ''Date Put on Wait List'' is AFTER the discharge date. Please click OK to mark those wait lists with a status of ''Removed on Discharge'' or click Cancel to leave them with an ''Active'' status.   In either case, the discharge information will be saved.

If a client is actively waiting on one or more wait lists at the time of their discharge, they will be removed from wait lists where Date Put On Wait list <= Discharge Date automatically. However, if the Date Put On Wait list is after the discharge date, users have the option to leave the client active on this wait list.

Refer to Business Rules for Discharging a Client Admission with Respect to Wait Lists

This client has been removed from all active wait lists where the Date Put On Wait list is before the Discharge Date of this discharge.

If a client is actively waiting on one or more waitlists at the time of their discharge, they will be removed from wait lists where Date Put On Waitlist <= Discharge Date automatically.

Refer to Business Rules for Discharging a Client Admission with Respect to Wait Lists

There is at least one active client on a Wait List for this program, please update the clients' status on the Wait List then inactivate the program.

An agency program cannot be deleted if it has one or more clients actively waiting for it. These clients must be removed from the wait list(s) for this program before this program can be deleted. 

Refer to Wait List Information Screen Business Rules

The status of one or more wait lists that had been removed on discharge will change from ''Removed on Discharge'' to ''Removed'' with ''Discharge Deletion'' as Reason for Removal. You can activate these wait lists by blanking out the Date Removed and Reason for Removal.

At the time of discharge, a client was removed from all wait lists that they were still actively waiting. These wait lists were marked "Removed on Discharge". When you delete this discharge, the status of these wait lists will be changed to "Removed".

Refer to Business Rules for Discharging a Client Admission with Respect to Wait Lists