Section A
Fill out based on your program's details.
Section B - Visits
- Open report 709-Data.
- Select Entry Time - Booth or Entry Time - Waiting Room (depending on how your program operates).
- Click Generate to CSV.
- Open the exported report in Excel.
- Highlight the entire column by clicking the A.
- Open the Inset ribbon, click Pivot Table.
- Drag Entry Time to Rows, and drag Entry Time to Values.
- Excel should automatically group the rows by hour.
- The Grand Total is your total # of CTS visits for the time period,
- Auto-sum the visits by Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Overnight.
Generate report
Create Pivot Table
Sum values for each time period
Section C - Demographics
NEO has a canned reports for this data.
- Open report 704-Gender.
- Select Date range.
- Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
- Check off "Unique Clients".
- For the Column preset, select Gender.
- Check off Combine Site Results.
- Click Generate to Screen.
- Open report 703-Age.
- Select Date range.
- Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
- Check off "Unique Clients".
- For the Age Range, select Under 15, 16-17, 18-24, 25 to 65+ by +9.
- For the Column, select Age Range.
- Check off Combine Site Results.
- Click Generate to Screen.
- Add the values in the Excel sheet.
Section D - Consumption
- Open report 709-Data.
- Select Date range.
- Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
- Check off "Drugs Injected" and "Why did the client not inject".
- Click Generate to CSV.
- Open the report in Excel.
- Select the relevant columns.
- Open the Inset ribbon, click Pivot Table.
Total # of visits for supervised drug consumption
- Drag Why did the client not inject? to Rows and Values.
- Subtract this figure from your total visit number to find the number of clients who visited for consumption services.
- In the same pivot table, drag Route to Rows and Values.
- Sum the routes into the injection, oral and intra-nasal categories.
- In the same pivot table, drag Drug to Rows and Values.
- Filter the results to show only the relevant routes, e.g. multiple injections (IV 2, IV 3).
- Sum the drugs into the relevant categories.
Section E - Overdose events
- Open report 709-Data.
- Select Date range.
- Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
- Select all options from the Medical Emergency section.
- Click Generate to CSV.
- Open in Excel and insert pivot table.
- For each emergency-related question, drag the relevant field into Rows and Values.
- ME :: Called 911 → Was 911 called? (Yes or no)
- ME :: Naloxone Administered → Was naloxone administered? (Yes or no)
- ME :: Number of Doses → How many doses of naloxone? (Sum)
- Etc.
Number of overdoses
Was naloxone administered?
Section H & I - Harm reduction & wrap around services
- Open report 709-Data.
- Select Date range.
- Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
- Select Ref Code, Gender, What services have been provided, and What external referrals have been made.
- Click Generate To CSV.
- Open the report in Excel.