Section A

Fill out based on your program's details.

Section B - Visits

  1. Open report 709-Data.
  2. Select Entry Time - Booth or Entry Time - Waiting Room (depending on how your program operates).
  3. Click Generate to CSV.
  4. Open the exported report in Excel.
  5. Highlight the entire column by clicking the A.
  6. Open the Inset ribbon, click Pivot Table.
  7. Drag Entry Time to Rows, and drag Entry Time to Values.
    • Excel should automatically group the rows by hour.
  8. The Grand Total is your total # of CTS visits for the time period, 
  9. Auto-sum the visits by Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Overnight.

Generate report

Create Pivot Table 



Sum values for each time period

Section C - Demographics 

NEO has a canned reports for this data.


  1. Open report 704-Gender.
  2. Select Date range.
  3. Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
  4. Check off "Unique Clients".
  5. For the Column preset, select Gender.
  6. Check off Combine Site Results.
  7. Click Generate to Screen.


  1. Open report 703-Age.
  2. Select Date range.
  3. Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
  4. Check off "Unique Clients".
  5. For the Age Range, select Under 15, 16-17, 18-24, 25 to 65+ by +9.
  6. For the Column, select Age Range.
  7. Check off Combine Site Results.
  8. Click Generate to Screen.
  9. Add the values in the Excel sheet.

Section D - Consumption

  1. Open report 709-Data.
  2. Select Date range.
  3. Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
  4. Check off "Drugs Injected" and "Why did the client not inject".
  5. Click Generate to CSV.
  6. Open the report in Excel.
  7. Select the relevant columns.
  8. Open the Inset ribbon, click Pivot Table.

Total # of visits for supervised drug consumption

  1. Drag Why did the client not inject? to Rows and Values.
  2. Subtract this figure from your total visit number to find the number of clients who visited for consumption services.


  1. In the same pivot table, drag Route to Rows and Values.
  2. Sum the routes into the injection, oral and intra-nasal categories.


  1. In the same pivot table, drag Drug to Rows and Values.
  2. Filter the results to show only the relevant routes, e.g. multiple injections (IV 2, IV 3).
  3. Sum the drugs into the relevant categories.

Section E - Overdose events

  1. Open report 709-Data.
  2. Select Date range.
  3. Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
  4. Select all options from the Medical Emergency section.
  5. Click Generate to CSV.
  6. Open in Excel and insert pivot table.
  7. For each emergency-related question, drag the relevant field into Rows and Values.
    • ME :: Called 911 → Was 911 called? (Yes or no)
    • ME :: Naloxone Administered → Was naloxone administered? (Yes or no)
    • ME :: Number of Doses → How many doses of naloxone? (Sum)
    • Etc.

Number of overdoses

Was naloxone administered?

Section H & I - Harm reduction & wrap around services

  1. Open report 709-Data.
  2. Select Date range.
  3. Select the relevant Sites for your CTS program.
  4. Select Ref Code, Gender, What services have been provided, and What external referrals have been made.
  5. Click Generate To CSV.
  6. Open the report in Excel.