The Client Merge feature is used to combine duplicate client records.  It is possible your data records contain duplicated records representing the same client. This could be a result of Catalyst users not performing a thorough search of the database before adding a new client, the same client presenting using a different name, or in some cases, duplicate records may have even been created in CaseBASE and carried over during the conversion.  The definition of a duplicate record is a client with two or more client records/charts, and two or more sets of admissions and other information.  The merge client module allows Agency Administrators to merge (join) records, thus maintaining one record per client. Merge Client is an option under the administration module in Catalyst and is available to administrators only.


The merging of client records is a serious process that adds all records belonging to one client to the records belonging to another client. (Note that not all fields and related information from within a client file will be merged - the address and custom fields are not merged to the remaining client file; ensure the address and custom field information are updated before performing a merge.  The procedure should be carried out with full awareness and correct identification of the client records to be merged. The action cannot be undone.

Identifying duplicate client records

  1. Identify clients that have two or more client records in Catalyst but belong to the same client - you may already have a list of these clients.

  2. You can also run the DC-02 report ‘List of Possible Duplicate Client Records’. The report gives a list of clients that may be duplicates. However, you must ensure that these client records are in fact duplicates. In other words this is not a 100% guarantee that the listed clients are duplicates, but the report will aid you in identifying possible duplicates.

  3. The report lists client records that have the same gender, birthdates, last names at birth that are similar or sound similar (Soundex function), and health card numbers if the health card number is available in the system.

  4. There is no condition on the first name; this is to allow the identification of clients who present as Bob or Robert, Bill or William.

Selecting the File/Case # to be kept

  1. After identifying two clients as duplicates, determine which client record/Chart/File # should be kept and which should be merged/deleted.

  2. The merge process requires the user to enter Chart/File # and site number, as they exist in the system before the merge in the client information screen.

  3. The merge process can be applied to two clients at a time.

Cleaning existing records

  1. Cleaning existing records:

    1. An overlapping admission occurs if the two clients have an open admission, or if 1 chart is open and the other is pending, or if the admission dates, program dates, or referral dates overlap.
    2. You must clean up or delete any unwanted admissions or programs. For example, if the two clients each have an open admission, or one open admission and one pending admission, or if the admission date, program date, referral date of one client overlaps the admission date of the second client, the merge process will not be performed. It will stop and an error message will indicate why the merge has failed.
  2. Make sure you have the most current address on the client record that will be retained, as addresses from the merged client will be lost.

Deleting existing records

  1. Run, export, save the CL 09 Service Details by Client report

    1. use the following parameters:  Start of Range = No lower value; End of Range = select a future date so that any erroneous data input can be identified; input the Chart File #, click on the right arrow between the two fields to select the value; and then select OK.

    2. Where applicable, print all Referral, Program, Discharge, Admission and Client information.

  2. Identify the data to be deleted - admission, discharge, program registration, termination and click on the Delete button at the bottom of the corresponding screen.


Before deleting any client information, determine the "best" approach. For example: if a Chart/File # has multiple admissions, the first approach would be to determine how much client data will need to be deleted. If this client has, for example, 10 admissions and only one of those 10 admissions has an overlapping admission, it isn't necessary to delete the 9 "good" admissions and all relating programs/referrals/activities linked to those admissions. In this case, delete the one overlapping admission and all the programs/referrals/activities linked to that admission; and then re-enter that one overlapping admission.

Preparing to perform a merge

  1. It is preferable that one administrator do the merge. If more than one will do the job, the list of client records should be divided up so that only one administrator runs the merge for a set of clients/charts.

  2. In the administration tab, select ‘Merge Clients.’ You will then get a screen as follows:

  3. In the first line, enter the Chart/File # and site number for the client record that should be kept in the system (note that the site number is the one that appears on the client information screen for this client.) Clicking search will return the name, date of birth and gender of the selected client.

  4. In the second line, enter the Chart/File # and site for the client record that should be merged or deleted from the system (note that the site number is the one that appears on the client information screen for this client.) Clicking search will return the name, date of birth and gender of the selected client.

  5. To repeat the search or change it, press the button.

  6. When the search results are on the screen, you will see the Printer Friendly Version button; you MUST click this before the Merge Charts button will be available. 

  7. Clicking on the Printer Friendly Version button will display the following information for each admission for the client record that will be deleted from the system:

    1. Admission #, date, discharge date, client type, staff

    2. Program Information

    3. Referral Information

    4. Client Notes – date and path and description

    5. Activity log information

  8. Print the page by pressing the Print This Page hyperlink. Keep these papers for your records.  Alternatively, for paperless storage, print the screen to PDF (or another application) to be stored electronically.

  9. Close the window by clicking the Close Window hyperlink.

  10. If you are not sure you want to proceed with the merge, press Cancel.


  1. To proceed with the merge – press the Merge Charts button. Once this button is pressed you cannot undo the merge. If the system detects problems such as the existence of overlapping admissions, two open admissions etc. an error message will appear and the merge process will be stopped. The administrator should fix the problem and start the process again.

  2. Once the merge is complete, you will see a list of the number of all records merged and a ‘Client has been successfully merged’ message. This confirms that the merge was completed.

  3. Click on any other tab in the menu bar (at the top of the screen) to continue on to other modules or to return to the merge module – do not use the Browser back button or the refresh button. Do not close the window, as it will terminate your session. 

Business Rules

Business Rules that are Built into this Module:

  • Client 1 = retained client;
  • Client 2= merged or deleted client
  • All admissions from client 2 will be moved to client 1 and the admission numbers are incremented to follow the sequence of admissions for client 1. If there is an overlap in program, referral and admission dates between client 1 and client 2, merge will not occur. If there are two open admissions, or one open and one pending admission, the merge will not occur.
  • All records connected to admissions of client 2 will be moved to client 1 – e.g. referrals, programs, discharges.
  • Client addresses from client 2 will not be moved to client 1. They will be deleted, so it is important to update the address information for client 1 before the merge.
  • Any custom fields on the client information for client 2 will not be moved to client 1 – they will be deleted.
  • Follow up records for client 2 will be moved to client 1.
  • All entry services from client 2 will be moved to client 1.
  • If client 2 is a member in the same group, the redundant record will be deleted, otherwise the group membership is transferred to client 1.
  • All referral sources/agencies for client 2 will be moved to client 1.
  • If client 2 is in the same wait list as client 1, the redundant record will be deleted, otherwise the wait list membership is transferred to client 1.
  • If client 2 is in the same associated client list as client 1, the redundant record will be deleted, otherwise the associated client membership is transferred to client 1.
  • Site numbers on admissions, programs will not be changed.
  • MHEG form for intake i.e. not attached to an admission – If there is only one MHEG form, it should be moved to client 1. If there are two MHEG intakes, the one belonging to client 2 will be deleted.
  • The merged chart is logged in the audit log.