The Client Information Screen tracks data specific to the client and is required to be completed before other actions can be performed, for example, an admission.
Step-by-step guide
- When the Client Information Screen appears click on the + sign beside the Expand All in the title:
This action will break open all collapsed fields on the screen.
Enter information in all fields with a red asterisks, these are required fields and data must be input before moving to the next level of input. Minimal information can be entered for clients who are only provided entry level information.
The Address Effective Date field is a data compiling field. Each time the address changes for a client it can be tracked and saved, this will compile a history of address information. Use NFA in the Postal Code field for clients who do not have a fixed address.Tab through the fields. When you enter information to the City field, Catalyst will automatically populate the County field; if there are multiple County options for the City selected another window will pop up and ask that you select the relevant County from the available list.
Click on the <Save and Enter Entry Services> button once all the required fields are completed. This action will take you to the Activity Log and entry services can be added for the client.