Designated Problem Gambling (PG) agencies are required to follow specific guidelines when gathering and reporting client data.
Entry Services - Entry Services - Specify
In order for the Entry Service to qualify the type of Entry Service and the Entry Service Provider time as PG Entry Services, the PG designated agencies are required, as part of the data collection process to:
- use the Entry Service - Specify field on the Add Appointment screen and select one of the two available options, Gambling Client *or Gambling Collateral**
- leave the MoH Substance Abuse/Problem Gambling funded field checked
- and, select FC 725707812 from the available options on the Functional Centre drop down selection list
View 1: Activity Log - Add Appointment Screen - Entry Services -Specify and FC fields
*Gambling Client refers to a client who presents with a gambling problem
**Gambling Collateral refers to a client who is concerned about someone else''s gambling
Client Type
The required field, Client Type, is found on the Admission Information Screen. There are two sets of business rules for Problem Gambling: one for primary clients and one for family members of primary clients. Depending on which Client Type is selected, different business rules will apply. Both sets of rules will be covered in this document.
View 2: Admission Information Screen - Client Type
Gambling Problems and Activities
The selecting of the Client Type directly influences the first required field in the Gambling Problems and Activities section on the Admission Information Screen.
Business Rules for Primary Clients - Admission Screen
- Client type is either Client - Alcohol/Drug/Gambling (ADG) or Client - Gambling.
- The field Gambling Identified as a Problem automatically defaults to YES. The field will become read-only and you will not be able to edit this required field. The field Treatment Plan becomes a required field.
View 3: Admission Screen - Gambling Problems and Activities
- The Gambling Activities engaged in the past 12 months is a required field for MoHLTC registered primary clients whether the client is an Alcohol/Drug, Gambling client or an Alcohol/Drug client. See Appendix A: Guide to Gambling Activities for definitions.
- Note: Gambling Activities engaged in the past 12 months is not a required field for family members of either substance abuse or gambling clients.
- The gambling data form or the field Reason for Not Completing the gambling Form must be completed before the client can be discharged. You can access the gambling form by clicking on the hyperlink Save and go to Gambling Data Form (for designated agencies). If the gambling data form is complete, then the Reason for Not completing the Gambling Form field will be blanked out and become read-only.
View 4: Admission Screen - Reason for not completing gambling form:
- A warning message will appear when you attempt to save the Admission if:
- Gambling has been identified as a problem, AND
- The Gambling Data Form was not completed, AND
- The field Reason for Not Completing the Gambling Form was not populated.
View 5: Admission Screen: SAVE Button
Note: You will be able to proceed with saving the admission information and registering the client in programs.
Business Rules for Family Members - Admission Screen
Client type is either Family Member of Alcohol/Drug/Gambling Client or Family Member of Gambling Client.
- The field Gambling Identified as a Problem automatically defaults to YES and will become read-only. You will not be able to edit this required field. The field Treatment Plan (View 3 above) becomes a required field. This business rule is the same as for Primary PG clients.
- A warning message will appear when you attempt to save the Admission if:
- Gambling has been identified as a problem, AND
- The Gambling Data Form was not completed, AND
- The field "Reason for Not Completing the Gambling Form" was not populated
- A warning message will appear when you attempt to save the Admission if:
Note: This business rule is the same as for Primary PG clients. You will be able to proceed with the SAVE operation and register the client into programs.
Gambling Data Form
The Gambling Data Form is accessed by selecting the Save and Go to Gambling Form (for designated agencies) hyperlink in the Gambling Problems and Activities section of the Admission Information Screen.
Business Rules for Primary Clients - Gambling Data Form
- All questions must be answered on this form. For question 5 a. part 19, if you have chosen a selection field other than "Did Not Gamble," fill the Specify text box with the other type of gambling activity the client engaged in.
View 6: Gambling Data Form - Problem Gambling Required Data Form
Questions 2, 3, 5.b, 6.b and 7, the value of 999 can be entered to indicate an unknown answer. You must adhere to the following rules regarding using 999:
- Question 2 - put 999 in the Years textbox
- Question 3 - put 999 in the textbox and select Years
- Question 5b - put 999 in the Major textbox
- Question 6b - put 999 in the Major textbox
- Question 7 - put 999 in the Ontario textbox
Business Rules for Family Members - Gambling Data Form
Only question 1 on the Gambling Data From must be filled in for family members of gambling clients. Provided the item selected is the first item in the selection.
View 7: MoHLTC-Funded Required Gambling Data Form - Question 1
The Rules are the same for Primary PG clients and Family Members of Gambling Clients.
- You will not be able to save on the Discharge screen if:
- gambling is identified as a problem AND
- the Gambling Data Form was not completed AND
- the field "Reason for Not Completing the Gambling Form" was not populated.
View 8: Discharge Screen - Discharging Gambling Identified as a Problem Client
- To discharge a client the Gambling Data Form or the Reason for Not Completing the Gambling Form must be completed.
- Once a client has been discharged no one (including the administrators) can modify the values on the Gambling Data Form. If you change the client type of a discharged client and want to fill in the gambling form, the admission will have to be re-opened first in which case the discharge will have to be deleted.
Relevant Reports
- AG - 03 Gambling Identified as a Problem by Age Group and Gender for Open Admissions
- CL - 17 Clients With Open Admissions for Whom Gambling is Identified as a Problem
- DD - 04 Data Dump - Gambling Activities*
- DD-16: Data Dump - Follow Up Information
- OHRS (formerly MIS) Reporting - Statistical Accounts for Client Activity
- PR - 07 Service Utilization Statistics by Provincial Service Category (PSC)*
- PR - 07S Service Utilization Statistics Summary by PSC*
- AG - 16 Gambling Problem Items by Age Group and Gender for Open Admissions.
- AG - 17G Gambling Data Form Items for Open Admissions by Gender *
* Refreshed nightly - any data added will not be reflected in the report until the next morning.