
For each presenting problem substance, summarizes the number of clients and percentage of open admissions in your agency. For comparison purposes, this report also displays the provincial and regional statistics, where provincial percentages are taken of all open admissions in the province and regional percentages are taken of all open admissions in the region where your agency is located.
(1) The agency statistics in this report may not match those in AG-05 because this report excludes duplicate problem substances that came from conversion.
(2) The provincial and regional statistics are refreshed quarterly.
(3) The agency statistics are refreshed nightly M-F.
(4) All percentages are percentages of open admissions.

Report Columns

  • Problem Substances – The substances reported as the 5 Presenting Problem Substances on the Admission Information screen.
  • Provincial % - Percentage of all open admissions across the province that have reported the corresponding substance as one of the 5 main problem substances.
  • Regional % - Percentage of all open admissions across the agency’s region that have reported the corresponding substance as one of the 5 main problem substances.
  • Agency % - Percentage of all open admissions across the agency that have reported the corresponding substance as one of the 5 main problem substances.
  • Agency Count - # of open admissions across the agency that have reported the corresponding substance as one of the 5 main problem substances.


  • Fiscal Year – specifies the fiscal period to run the report on. Note that the fiscal year will include all data from April 1 of the fiscal year selected till the end of the last completed quarter within the fiscal year. For a quarter to be complete and included in this report, at least 15 business days should have elapsed after the end of the quarter.
  • Admission Site No – specifies the admission site(s) to report on. Users can select one or more sites.
  • Include Carryovers – indicates whether to include carried over admissions in the report or only new admissions.



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