The Soundex Search option is another search technique used to broaden a client search. This option when checked searches for other like-sounding spellings of entered names. For example, entering the name Smith into the Last Name field and checking the Soundex Search checkbox in the Search Criteria window will return all client records where the last name sounds like Smith: Smith, Smithe, and Smythe.

In this next example, Elizabeth Coombs, D.O.B. 22-01-1967 is accessing client services. As part of standard procedures, it is necessary to search for the client and add or update an existing chart/file. A broad search is done to reduce the likelihood of creating a duplicate record. Since "Elizabeth" has multiple spelling variations (Liz, Liza, Lisa, Beth, Betty, etc.), the last name Coombs is used with the Soundex feature for the search criteria for the purposes of this case scenario.

  1. Select Client Info from the Catalyst menu and click on Client Search
  2. Once the Search Criteria screen appears type in "Coombs" in the last name field
  3. Click on the "Soundex" Search check box located under the Health Card field.
  4. Select the search button

Three matches are found, Combs, Coombs and Blaine

By examining the results it appears that the client is not only in the system, but appears to have three records. It is necessary to verify that this is indeed the client, Elizabeth Coombs, and that there are three separate chart/files in the system for her.

All results are confirmed: Betty Combs is indeed Elizabeth Coombs, the first name had a name variation, plus the last name was misspelled; and Elizabeth Blaine is identified through matching her last name at birth "Coombs". Adding another chart/file for the same client would further compromise data quality. Since there are three matches for the same client, the files should be merged* before updating the client contact information chart/file.

*Merging duplicate clients is discussed in a separate instructional Knowledgebase article titled Client Merge module.