The batch entry module can be used to log multiple non-group sessions at the same time, for multiple service providers and for multiple clients.
Step-by-step guide
- Start by clicking on Activity Log and select Batch Entry from the Main Menu in Catalyst.
- On the Batch Entry screen, each row indicates a session with up to two service providers and one client in attendance. From this screen you can enter up to 20 sessions for multiple service providers and multiple clients.
- Start with the first row and enter the Client’s chart # and then hit the tab button.
- Complete the following fields: service provider; time spent; 2nd service provider if applicable and time spent; start date (will automatically populate with the current date, edit accordingly); time of day; site number; activity type; activity; activity status (leave blank if appointment has not occurred); activity comments; admission number (automatic); program name; client time if different from the first service providers time.
- Move to the next row and repeat.
- Click save.