When making data entry to Activity Log for Activity type Administration Central, no associated appointment is needed, and no information should be there. Only first section needs to be filled in, and saved. Related content Page: Adding Appointments for Administration - Central Activities Page: Requirements for Appointment Start Time Page: Appointments scheduled but not attended Page: Individual Sessions: Batch Entry Steps Page: Individual Sessions: Add Appointment Screen Page: New Activity Type ‘Client – Direct face-to-face – Virtual’ Page: Adding and Removing an Activity to/from the Activity List Page: Activity Type Definitions Page: Group Duration vs. Client Duration Page: Error message: Appointment date before program start date Page: Pre-Entry Services - Scenarios for choosing an Activity Type Page: Activity Log Usage and the Effect on OHRS Reporting Page: Adding activity to a terminated program Page: Creating and Managing Repeating Group Activities Page: Assigning a new counsellor to a repeating activity