In the case where a staff member is no longer active in the Catalyst database, but an activity requires correction/deletion, the former Catalyst user must be re-activated in order to make the change.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log on to Catalyst > Go to 'Admin' in the top toolbar > 'User Profile' > 'Search User'

  2. Leave the fields blank if you are unsure what the user ID is and simply click “Search”

  3. This will bring up the list of your agency’s users. Click on the blue hyperlink for the user you wish to activate again.

  4. Once you are on the user’s profile screen, you will need to update their password. Enter your password in to the Administrator Password field. Then enter a new password for the user and re-enter the new password to confirm > Click Save.

  5. Once the user is active again you will need to check their privileges. Go back to the homepage and search for the user again. Go to 'Admin' > 'User Profile' > Search user by User ID or by leaving the field blank and searching through all users. When you find the user, click on the blue hyperlink for the User again. 
  6. When you are back on the user profile screen, in order to edit user privileges for the user you have reactivated, you must enter your password in to the administrator password field.

    Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the “User Privileges” button.

  7. Make sure that the Activity Log boxes have check marks in them and ensure that the programs associated to the activity are check on. If you are not sure which programs they are, check them all and click on “Save”

  8. You should now be able to go back to the Activity Log/ Activity List and see the user is back on the list. You can go to the activity for this user and client and delete the activity.
  9. Once you have corrected the record, you can inactivate the user again by going back into their user profile, entering your password into the Administrator Password field, scrolling down and placing a check into the “Inactive Account” box and clicking on 'Save'.