
When I run the OHRS report at the FC level and then run it again at the program level, there seems to be  a drop in numbers. Can you give a reason as to why this might be occurring?


The different level OHRS reports are run differently with a variety of business rules.

There is no intent or expectation that the numbers will be the same on the reports.

There are several reasons for the difference:

  1. Entry Service activity will not show on the OHRS program level report, it will only show on the FC level OHRS report. So if your agency has a significant amount of entry services linked to a functional centre, the numbers for that FC table would appear to drop if the report was run at the program level.
  2. OHRS by Program report is based on Program dates. Let’s say a client is registered two times to the same program, same FC for the same admission. Program 1 from Jan 1 – Jan 15 and Program 2 from Feb 1 to Feb 15 – there is a gap in services for the FC from Jan 16- Jan 31st.

    If the OHRS by Program is run from Jan 16 – Jan 31, the result would be 0 in Individual served. But if OHRS report at the FC level was run, there would be a count of 1 individual served for that FC. As the report would query from Jan 1 – Feb 15 (start of the first program to the end of the 2nd), and the client will be counted as 1 for the FC.

    Run the OHRS (formerly MIS) Reporting – Statistical Accounts for Client Activity –Details report for the same reporting period. This report will provide a list of individuals on which the report is based. Compare/ review the list of clients accounted for in both reports