All the statistical accounts as they appear in the OHRS report are in line with the HDB [Health Data Branch] definitions and are listed and explained in the notes at the beginning of the report. 

Anonymous Clients and Anonymous Groups are included.  The activity found in these accounts would be extracted from the Activity Log in Catalyst. For programs that are set to not use the Catalyst Activity Log (auto_calc = 'N'), since time intervals per service provider per session are not provided, the number of sessions is counted under time intervals not reported (265**00).

OHRS reports data related to service delivery:

  • How much service time is provided (Service Provider)
  • How many receive the services (Client)
  • Types of services delivered (Functional Centre)

Caseload and service time provided by Agency staff/Case Workers are represented in the reports as Service Providers (SP) - those providing client services – this would include s.265 (SPI) and s.266 (SPGI) statistical accounts.  How many received those services i.e. clients, are represented in the reports as Service Recipients (SR) - services such as, individuals received first service (s.506), new referrals (s.489), s.450 -Visits Face-to-Face, s.451 - Visits non Face-to-Face for individual client services, and s.491** for clients receiving services in a group. Or, s.452, those clients who are anonymous, Not Uniquely Identified Service Recipients.

Agency data reported includes how services were delivered, in group, individual sessions, how many individuals served (s.455) compared to how many of those individuals received first service in the reporting period (s.506), how many days waiting (dependent on use of Wait List Module), how many admissions and how many discharges and the reason for discharge. 

The statistical accounts displayed in each table are dependent on the functional centre the table serves.  For the most part, only statistical accounts that are relevant to the functional centre are displayed in the table. For example, the table for COM Clinics/Programs - Addictions Treatment - Substance Abuse FC 725 10 78 11 (equal to Community Treatment PSC), an outpatient client service would not display such statistical accounts as s.265 25**, s.265 45**, s.403 as those accounts are for inpatient residential services. What this means is if clients are registered in a program for community treatment (linked to the related FC) when the table is viewed, it will not include statistical accounts that are meant more for inpatient services.  For other functional centre tables, some accounts may be displayed in a functional centre even if it is not required by OHRS, for example, OHRS requires attendance days for Support within Housing and Community Day/Evening, but for both these tables, a count on visits is also included.

Service Provider Intervals (SPI) –Individual Sessions - s.265** - How Activities are Displayed for SP

  1. Services will appear on a table for a FC if the program used to record the client service is linked to the same FC {This can happen in one of two ways- via the program selected for the client –FC of the program takes priority; or if the activity is not linked to a client program, then the FC is selected from the available list of Functional Centres}

  2. The 265** or s.266** looks at Direct Services and does not separate services as Direct Face-to-Face or Direct non-Face-to-Face
  3. If the activity is 6 minutes or more (more than 5 Minutes), each time a Service Provider (SP) logged an activity the service would appear as an interval on the report
    1. Example: SP#1 saw 3 clients in the morning in 3 different appointments (1-on-1 x 3 individual sessions in the morning)

      In the afternoon, the SP#1 saw the same 3 clients for another round of 3 separate sessions

      However, this time a SP#2 was in attendance for each of the 3 afternoon sessions/appointments/visits. This would equate to 3(morning visits for SP#1) + 3 (afternoon visits for SP#1) + 3 (for the SP#2)

      A total of 9 SP interactions (3+3+3) sessions – depending on the time intervals this would appear in the rows and columns as it relates to duration of the session and age bracket for the clients in attendance.

The manner in which s.265 are tabulated is not the same as it would be tabulated for s.450 and s.451 (client visits face-to-face and clients non-face-to-face). The calculations are not the same.

S.265 ** 00

SPI - Time interval not reported

Activity Log is not used – direct services

are summarized on the Program Summary screen at termination

S.265 ** 01

SPI - More than 5 minutes to 30 minutes

Non Residential FC – activity with time intervals for direct services – activity recorded in activity log for the reporting period

S.265 ** 02

SPI - More than 30 minutes to 1 hour

S.265 ** 03

SPI - More than 1 hour to 2 hours

S.265 ** 04

SPI - More than 2 hours to 5 hours

S.265 ** 05

SPI - More than 5 hours

S.265 25 00

SPI - Time interval not reported

Activity Log is not used

Residential FC outpatient interactions - direct services are summarized on the Program Summary screen at termination

S.265 25 01

SPI - More than 5 minutes to 30 minutes

Residential FC outpatient interactions - with time intervals –activity recorded in activity log for the reporting period

S.265 25 02

SPI - More than 30 minutes to 1 hour

S.265 25 03

SPI - More than 1 hour to 2 hours

S.265 25 04

SPI - More than 2 hours to 5 hours

S.265 25 05

SPI - More than 5 hours

S.265 45 00

SPI - Time interval not reported

Activity Log is not used

Residential interactions - direct services

are summarized on the Program Summary screen at termination

S.265 45 01

SPI - More than 5 minutes to 30 minutes

Residential interactions with time intervals – Activity Log used

S.265 45 02

SPI - More than 30 minutes to 1 hour

S.265 45 03

SPI - More than 1 hour to 2 hours

S.265 45 04

SPI - More than 2 hours to 5 hours

S.265 45 05

SPI - More than 5 hours

Service Provider Group Interactions in Intervals (SPGI) –Group Session - s.266** - How Group Activities are Displayed

  1. The group activity must be linked to a functional centre to appear on the related table for the FC, this can be by way of the client program which is selected when completing the group attendance
  2. Unlike the s.265 individual sessions statistical account, Anonymous Groups do not have their own sub-account. That means, s.265 65** is for anonymous clients only and s.266** includes anonymous groups. It is important to record anonymous activities whether for individuals or The FC must be selected for the Anonymous Group activity in order for the activity to show in the FC level table.

  3. If a service provider spent 1 hour in a group where 5 clients were registered in community treatment and 5 clients were registered in day/evening FC, a full hour of provider time is counted in each of the functional centres.

S.266 00 00

SPGI - Time interval not reported

Non-use of the Activity Log – direct services are summarized on the Program

Summary screen at termination

S.266 00 01

SPGI - More than 5 minutes to 30 minutes

Services provided to clients in group sessions– SP time is calculated by intervals for each SP for each session as recorded in the activity log. Includes interactions with anonymous groups.

S.266 00 02

SPGI - More than 30 minutes to 1 hour

S.266 00 03

SPGI - More than 1 hour to 2 hours

S.266 00 04

SPGI - More than 2 hours to 5 hours

S.266 00 05

SPGI - More than 5 hours

Client Activity - s.450, 451, 452, 483, 491 – How Client Direct Services are Displayed/Recorded

  1. For agencies that do not use the activity log, the number of sessions is taken from the summary section for Direct Service on the program screen at the time the program is terminated and reported in s.450. Direct non-face-to-face sessions, s.451 will not be reported on when the activity log is not used.

No counts are available for 452, clients not uniquely identified (0M and 0F); for s.483** attendance days; or s.491 if the activity log is not used.

S.450  (Individual session; not group)

Visit - Face to Face - In House

These are activities recorded in the activity log. The client would have attended face-to-face and the session would have been 6 minutes or more in duration. Only one visit is reported per client (service recipient) per functional centre per day.  


1.  A client attends for a session in the morning and then attends again in the afternoon for any program in the same FC only 1 visit is counted for the day.

2.  If the client attended for 2 visits, one each to two different programs and two different FC, then a visit would be counted for each program only in the report by program, but the general / main OHRS report will count the visit per FC.


(Individual session; not group)

Visit - Non Face to Face - In House

These are activities recorded in the activity log for clients who received direct service but the service was not face-to- face. For example, telephone call. The service would be linked to a program and would be 6 minutes or more.


Could be individual or group session

Not Uniquely Identified Service Recipient Interactions

These are activities (once per activity) recorded to the activity log for clients 0M, 0F or Anonymous Groups. The sessions would be 6 minutes or more. For anonymous groups, the number clients in the group are added up. For example, if an anonymous group has 10 clients, 10 will show for this account.

S.483 SR25 

(Can be individual or group session)

Attendance Days - Face to Face - In House

Services provided to clients prior to being in residence are reported in the Residential FC in attendance days with ‘25’ as the service recipient type. This is to make a distinction between services provided to residents and non-residents.

These are activities recorded in the activity log to clients who are not in residence but the services are reported in a residential FC. The services are recorded as attendance days with ‘25’ as the service recipient type. This is separated out from the attendance days in house s.483**1 so as to distinguish between clients in residence and clients not in residence but receiving services from the same funding source. Attendance days are only counted if the activity is recorded in the activity log. What that means is if the program is open the attendance days are not based on the start and end date of the program, an attendance day will only be counted if an activity occurred for the client and linked to that program.

S.483 SR25 Attendance Days - Face to Face 

In House applies to outpatient service recipients (SR25) receiving services in the Residential Treatment functional centres. Attendance days are counted as described in S.483. The functional centres that can report on this account are:

COM Res. – Addictions – Treatment Services – Substance Abuse (7* 5 40 78 11)

COM Res. – Addictions – Treatment Services – Problem Gambling (7* 5 40 78 12)

COM Res. – Addictions – Supportive Treatment (7* 5 40 78 30)

COM Res. – Addictions – Withdrawal Management Centres (7* 5 40 78 45)

S.483***1  (can be individual or group session)

Attendance Days - Face to Face - In House

Applies to COM Day/Evening Care Addictions Treatment (7* 5 20 78 10) only.

Clients are in residence; attendance days are based on the number of days on which clients received service (activities occurred) and are not based on number of activities provided. The number of service delivery days (count once per 24-hour calendar day) on which primary service recipient activities are provided face-to-face, or by videoconference, on an individual or group basis to a service recipient and/or significant other(s) provided by facility staff. This statistic counts days during which services occurred rather than number of services. Attendance days are counted for each client whether seen in an individual or in a group setting (as recorded in Catalyst’s Activity Log). Only one attendance day is reported per service recipient per functional centre per day where the interaction is longer than 5 minutes. Example: direct service activities are recorded for a client in one 24-hour period and the activities are all linked to the same residential FC – 2 sessions for group and 1 for individual session – only 1 attendance day is counted. (Note: Service Provider interactions are not counted in the same manner.)

S.491**10  (Group session)

Group Participants, Non-registered Client Attendance

This is a total count of clients who attended an Anonymous Group; the sessions would be recorded to the activity log using Anonymous Groups; age groupings are not available.

S.491**20   (Group session)

Group Participants, Registered Client Attendance

This is a count on the number of clients that attended a group session and the session is recorded in the activity log as “occurred”. The client by program is counted each time the client attends and is marked as “occurred” regardless of the number of group sessions in one day; the client would be counted as a participant for each group attendance even if it was in the same program on the same day.

Statistical Account Calculation - Case Study

Case Scenario: Client attends 3 separate appointments on the same day, 3 programs, 2 different FCs

  • Program #1 SA CT– 60 minutes in group session – 2 SPs are facilitating
  • Program #1 SA CT– 30 minutes individual counselling session with 1 SP
  • Program #2 PG CT– 90 minutes Problem Gambling Assessment with 1 SP

Calculations if the activity log is used to record services and all programs are linked to the correct FC:



OHRS Reporting – What gets counted



(Pgm #1 SA CT)

COM Clinics/Programs - Addictions Treatment - Substance Abuse FC: 725107811

1st appointment Group (60 minutes group interaction)

-      2 SP

s.266 00 03 - A count of 2

- 1 SPGI (service provider group interval) for each SP in attendance


s.491**20 - Group Participants, Registered Clients Attendance

-count would increase by 1 client in attendance


s.4920010 Group Sessions (Number of Group Sessions)

- a count on number of group sessions would increase by 1 for the 60 minute session (if there were 10 participants the session would only increase by 1)

2nd appointment



1 visit would be counted for the client in the FC

Counselling (30 minutes individual service) – 1 SP

s.265 00 02

1 SPI (service provider interval) would be counted for the 1 SP that delivered the service

NOTES on the activity for Program #1 – Other Possible Scenarios

  1. If this were two individual sessions as opposed to 1 group session and 1 individual session, then 1 Visit would be counted for the client in this one FC and 2 SPI would be counted for each SP for the time interval. Because it is 1 group and 1 individual session in this case scenario, there is a count on visits and a count on group participants.
  2. If a client attends for more than one group session in a day, the client would be counted as a participant for each group attendance even if it was in the same program/FC.
    1. Example: if the client attends two groups in the same day in the same FC, the client would be counted two times for the client and a SPGI would be counted for each SP for each group session.
  3. If a client were registered to 2 programs on the same day where the programs belong to the same FC, the count for visits will be different for OHRS and OHRS_Program Level reports. For the OHRS report, it would only count one for the FC. For the OHRS_Program report, it will count one for each program for that FC.

(Prgm #2 PG CT)

COM Clinics/Programs - Addictions Treatment - Problem Gambling FC: 725107812

90 minutes Problem Gambling Assessment – 1 SP


1 visit would be counted for the client in the FC 

s.265 00 03 - 1 SPI

Agency – Services – all other statistical accounts not listed as Case Worker or Client above

  1. Counted regardless if the activity log is used or not with one exception 4920010 is available only to activity log users
  2. Counts for s.406** are only available if the Wait List Module is used to record clients waiting for services


    Only for

    Residential FC

    Inpatient/Resident Admissions

    Counts the number of new registrations into a residential program for the reporting period.


    Only for

    Residential FC

    Service Recipient Days

    A sum total of all days for all clients that had open program registrations for the reporting period, count provided by age group and by total for all age groups.

    S.406 ** 20

    Individuals Currently waiting for Service Initiation

    See notes at the beginning of the report.

    S.406 99 10

    Individuals Currently waiting for Assessment

    See notes at the beginning of the report.

    S.407 ** 20

    Days Waiting for Service Initiation

    See notes at the beginning of the report.

    S.407 99 10

    Days Waiting for Assessment

    See notes at the beginning of the report.


    Only for

    Residential FC

    Inpatient/Resident Discharges

    Counts the number of terminations from residential programs. If a client is registered into more than one program in the same functional centre, then all programs must be terminated before the count is reflected here.


    Individuals Served By Functional


    Count on the number of distinct individuals that have open registrations for the reporting period


    New Referral (New Registration)

    If a client was put on a WL for a program in a functional centre during the reporting period, it will be counted as one new referral. If the client was not put on a WL, but was registered in a program within a functional centre during the reporting period, this program registration is counted as 1 new referral.

    The count of New referrals is based on either the first WL (if a WL exists), or the first program registration within a functional centre whichever comes first within an admission.

    If the Wait List module is used, a client is counted only one time regardless of how many times the client may have been added or removed from the wait list for the same program or the same functional centre.


    Active Carryover

    Open registrations carried over into the reporting period


    Group Sessions (Number of Group Sessions)

    Counts the number of group sessions that Occurred during the report period. For registered clients, the program selected for the occurred group session must be linked to the functional centre in order to be counted. Likewise, anonymous groups are also counted but must be linked to the functional centre in order to be included.

    Example: Five clients attend for the group session, all attended all occurred for the 5 clients. Three of the clients had the activity linked to Community Day/Evening and the remaining 2 clients had the activity linked to a Community Treatment program. There would be a count of 1 group session to C D/E and 1 group session to CT.


    Individuals Received First Service

    For each admission the client is counted 1 time, regardless of how many programs are open for the client in the FC.


    1  admission, 3 programs in same FC – counted 1 time

    2  admissions, 1 program per admission – counted 2 times as there are two admissions.


    Service Discharge

    Count on total number of terminations from the functional centre and then broken down by reason by count

    Standard Reason for Termination in Catalyst Reason for Discharge in OHRS (formerly MIS)

    Completed Program (01)                                                  Completed Service Plan

    Deceased (08)                                                                  Deceased

    Drop out (04)                                                                    Client Preference

    Client Withdrew/Notified Staff (05)                                    Client Preference

    External Transfer - Other Than Hospitalized (02)            Other Community Services Internal Program Transfer (03)      Other

    Terminated by Staff/Involuntary Discharge (06)                                                                             Other Incarcerated (07)                                                                             Other

    Hospitalized (09)                                                               Hospitalized

    Mutually Agreed Upon Termination (10)                           Other

    Other (11)                                                                         Other

    Unknown (88)                                                                   Other


    Completed Service Plan






    Client Preference


    Other Community


