CL 01: Admitted, Carried over, Discharged, Pending and Incomplete Clients Report CL 01a: Pending Clients CL 02: Clients by Program Report CL 03: Client List by Program Worker CL 04: Client List by Reason for Termination by Program CL 05: Client Mailing Labels refreshed nightly M-F CL 06: Client Profile Summary CL 07: Clients with Open Admissions CL 08: List of Inactive Clients (refreshed nightly M-F) CL 09: Service Details by Client (refreshed nightly M-F) CL 10: Service Summary by Client (refreshed nightly M-F) CL 11: Waiting List for Individual Client CL 12: Agency Client List with Phone Numbers CL 13: List of Clients by Waiting List CL 14: List of Group Members CL 15: Group Attendance by Group Name CL 16: Service Details by Program Report CL 17: Clients With Open Admissions For Whom Gambling Is Identified as a Problem CL 18: List of Client Programs and Outstanding Appointments by Admission Status CL 19: Entry Services Details (refreshed nightly M-F) CL 20: List of Client Appointments CL 21 : Clients with No Activity for a Given Period of Time CL 22: List of Anonymous Client/Group Appointments CL 26: Opiate Supplementary Form by Client (refreshed nightly M-F) CL 27: Client Characteristics for Unique Individuals